Thursday, December 3, 2015

November 15, 2015 - This is my first entry for this blog about my CFG (Critical Friends Group) experience. I like to tell about the first coaches training I attended. I thought I was going to a Math training on a new textbook series. As a matter of fact, so did about 100 other teachers and administrators. We were all introduced to Protocols and how to use them. Once I figured out that this was not a Math workshop I went in to my workshop mode trying to figure out what I could get out of this workshop.  What I could take back with me to my classroom and use. I call this "looking for my killer app". That one thing I can use to help my students. 

At first I thought that a Tuning Protocol was my "killer app", then it was Text Protocols, and finally I saw what I was sure it was, the Dilemma Protocol. The environment was rich with potentials. I saw activities like Compass Points, Micro-Labs, Zones of Comfort, and on and on. Finally, at the end of the fourth day "IT" hit me (notice I only needed 4 days) . The "killer app" was Us

Us in a CFG working on improving what we do in our classrooms. Us making public what we do behind the closed doors of our classrooms. Us giving each other support and pushback when we need it most. Us giving each other a trusting environment to say scary things and know that we will hear truths.  Us meeting in a true Professional Learning Community, where we keep students at the center of our purpose. That was and still is my "Killer app".